Rescue plumbing offer leak repair to pipes in dearborn park

Leak Repair | Dearborn Park Chicago

Two Water Leaks Found in Dearborn Park Chicago Home

Our staff received an emergency call to a home in Dearborn Park, Chicago, Il to provide service to two leaks. The leaks were caused by separate issues, while one leak needed to be located, the other leak was caused by leaking shut-off valves. It’s best for a plumbing professional to check for leaks since there can be multiple causes.

Emergency Call for Leaks Found in Dearborn Park Home

Our plumber made their way past the green space down Michigan Ave and arrived at the property in less than an hour. Upon arrival, our plumber found two leaks, one coming from the first floor going down to the basement and another on the basement near shut-off valves.

Plumbing System Diagnosis

The plumber opened the wall and ran an in-depth diagnostic to locate the leak. Our expert found two copper ¾ inch water lines leading up to the unit above that were heavily corroded and leaking. The second leak was located in the basement coming from old shut-off valves.

Repair to Water Leaks in Chicago IL

Before starting repair on the Dearborn Park property, our team had to shut off water to the building. Once the water was shut off, they began to repair the corroded pipes. They replaced the leaking pipe with type L high-quality copper pipe. Then they moved on to the second leak, they replaced the old shut-off valves with brand new ones.

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