Sewer repair bricktown chicago completed by rescue plumbing

Sewer Repair | Bricktown Chicago

Plumbing Emergency in Bricktown Chicago

Sewage backing up through your home’s drains, garbage disposal, or tub can seem like a plumbing emergency! Luckily, our expert plumbers are always ready for a plumbing repair service. For this Bricktown resident, our plumbers completed their sewer line repair and added a sewer cleanout to make future repairs and maintenance easy!

Sewage Backup in Homeowners Plumbing System

Our customer called us in a state of panic because the first and second-floor toilet and sink were overflowing with sewage. We dispatched a local plumber to their residential property in no time! The customer believed they needed a toilet repair, however, our plumbers are experts at plumbing repair for jobs big or small.

Plumbing Contractor Finds the Problem

The customer was happy with our quick response and our expert plumbers got right to work. Unfortunately, the townhouse did not have a sump pump which caused the flooding. When sewage backs up, our plumbing services include clearing the sewer line. In Bricktown Chicago, Il, we uncovered a sewer line that was clogged with no access point!

Sewer Line Repair Removes the Clog

Rescue Plumbing addresses any plumbing needs and repairs. Our plumber began the sewer line repair, by using the proper equipment to perform a sewer camera inspection through the bathroom drain. Our plumber found the sewer clog and tried to service it with power rodding. However, the clog was not budging. In Chicago, IL sewer cleanout installations are required for sewers. Our plumbers installed a new sewer cleanout to prevent this issue from happening again!

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