Ejector pump clog barrington hills illinois

Ejector Pump Clog | Barrington Hills Illinois

Plumbing Services in Barrington Hills, IL

When plumbing issues arise, it is important to request professional plumbing services. Rescue Plumbing understands the importance of a quick response to address your plumbing needs. A local Barrington Hills, IL licensed plumber was dispatched to conduct a diagnostic and determine what was wrong in a customer’s bathroom. After taking a shower in the basement bathroom, the customer noticed water pooling and it would not drain, as well as the toilet.

Clogged Drain Lines in Bathroom

After further investigation, the plumber discovered that the issue was caused by a broken sewage pump, also known as a sewage ejector pumps. Most residents are unaware that their basement has an ejector pump. They are similar to sump pumps except they are used to move sewage and other wastewater out of your home into the main sewer line.

Failed Ejector Pump for Sewer Lines

An ejector pump is not designed to pump out large objects like wipes or other heavy materials, this can lead to a malfunction or breakdown of the system. Because baby wipes were flushed down the toilet, the ejector pump clogged and failed, which caused back-up to the shower and toilet. Baby wipes do not break down and can clog pipes, cause blockages and create drain problems.

Sewage Ejector Pumps Experts

A new ejector pump was installed in the bathroom and all plumbing systems were draining perfectly. Regular maintenance of flood controls systems are important to help prevent sewer drain problems. Our expert plumbers are equipped with an ejector pump to quickly address basement bathroom backups.

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